Vanilla JS Color Picker With Alpha Channel – vanilla-picker
AUTHOR: | Sphinxxxx |
VIEWS TOTAL: | 244 views |
OFFICIAL PAGE: | Go to website |
LAST UPDATE: | January 30, 2021 |
A vanilla JavaScript color picker with alpha channel support that can be attached to any element.
The color picker also comes with a popup mode that enables you to display the color picker in a popup window.
How to use it:
Install the color picker via NPM.
# NPM $ npm install vanilla-picker --save
Import the color picker to your project.
// ES 6 import Picker from 'vanilla-picker';
<!-- Browser --> <script src="dist/vanilla-picker.js"></script>
Create an element where the color picker should append to.
<div id="example"></div>
Create a new Picker instance and append the color picker to the DIV element.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example') });
Display the color picker in a popup window.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), popup: false // 'right'(default), 'left', 'top', 'bottom' });
Enable/disable the alpha selection.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), alpha: false // default: true });
Set the initial color.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), color: '#222' });
Decide whether to show a text field for color value editing.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), editor: true });
Set the layout of the color picker.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), layout: 'default' });
Determine whether to display a text field for color values.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), editor: true });
Define the color format.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), editorFormat: 'hex' // or 'rgb', 'hsl' });
Determine whether to display a close button in the popup.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), cancelButton: false });
Set the default color on init.
new Picker({ parent: document.querySelector('#example'), defaultColor: '#0cf' });
Available callback functions which can be used to apply selector color to any element.
new Picker({ onChange: function(color){}, onDone:: function(color){}, onOpen:: function(color){}, onClose:: function(color){} });
API methods.
// updates the options instance.setOptions(options); // opens the popup instance.openHandler(); // closes the popup instance.closeHandler(); // moves the popup instance.movePopup(options, open); // sets the color instance.setColor(color, silent); // shows the picker; // hides the picker instance.hide(); // destroy the picker instance.destroy();
v2.11.2 (01/30/2021)
- Updated TypeScript definitions
v2.11.1 (01/23/2021)
- Updated TypeScript definitions
v2.11.0 (01/04/2020)
- TypeScript declaration
v2.10.1 (01/04/2020)
- Added options.defaultColor
v2.10.0 (09/07/2019)
- Added destroy method
v2.9.2 (07/27/2019)
- More relevant CSS prefixes, transpiled ES module
v2.9.1 (07/20/2019)
- Fixed: Normalized CSS for input and button
- Added: options.cancelButton
v2.8.1 (06/29/2019)
- Added options.cancelButton.
v2.8.1 (06/15/2019)
- Fixed Text field interaction.
v2.8.0 (04/18/2019)
- Added Shadow DOM support
- Better event handling when closing the popup
v2.7.2 (01/27/2019)
- Removed double onChange event
v2.7.1 (01/12/2019)
- CSS vendor prefixes with Autoprefixer.
v2.7.0 (11/18/2018)
- Fixed options.editorFormat
v2.6.0 (10/06/2018)
- Make an ES6 module that actually works.
v2.5.2 (09/15/2018)
- Bugfixed.
- Keyboard navigation and basic accessibility.
v2.4.2 (09/08/2018)
- movePopup(): Share a picker among multiple parents.
- silent flag in setColor()
- Added onOpen/onClose callbacks.