Money(Currency) Mask Library In Vanilla JavaScript – SimpleMaskMoney
AUTHOR: | codermarcos |
VIEWS TOTAL: | 7,331 views |
OFFICIAL PAGE: | Go to website |
LAST UPDATE: | February 23, 2019 |
A vanilla JavaScript input mask library that masks data entry in an input field in the form of money.
Supports custom prefix, suffix, decimal/thousand separators as well as precision.
Also works with Angular, React and Vue.js frameworks.
How to use it:
Import the JavaScript file ‘simple-mask-money.js’ into the document.
<script src="simple-mask-money.js"></script>
Create a numeric input on the page.
<input inputmode="numeric" id="myInput" value="0,00"><br>
Activate the money mask on the input field.
let input = SimpleMaskMoney.setMask('#myInput');
Default configurations to customize the SimpleMaskMoney.
let input = SimpleMaskMoney.setMask('#myInput',{ prefix: '', suffix: '', fixed: true, fractionDigits: 2, decimalSeparator: ',', thousandsSeparator: '.', emptyOrInvalid: () => { return this.SimpleMaskMoney.args.fixed ? `0${this.SimpleMaskMoney.args.decimalSeparator}00` : `_${this.SimpleMaskMoney.args.decimalSeparator}__`; } });
v3.0.0 (02/23/2019)
- correcting quality code
v2.0.0 (09/24/2018)
- Correct bug fractional digits
v1.2.0 (09/18/2018)
- Add support for cursor movement.
v1.1.1 (09/07/2018)
- update version, update thanks text, improving tests, removing webpack
v1.0.0 (06/04/2018)
- Removing autoCompleteDecimal
v0.2.0 (05/22/2018)
- adding tests and support browsers