Advanced & Beautiful HTML5 / Javascript Color Picker – iro.js
AUTHOR: | jaames |
VIEWS TOTAL: | 1,678 views |
OFFICIAL PAGE: | Go to website |
LAST UPDATE: | November 26, 2020 |
iro.js is a sleek, HSV color based JavaScript color picker for generating a pretty, HTML5 canvas
based color wheel UI with touch support.
Also provides API methods that allow you to set, update, convert between colors.
More Features:
- Supports any color formats: Hex, Hex alpha, RGB, RGBA, RGB object, RGBA object, HSL, HSLA, HSL object, HSLA object, HSV object, HSVA.
- Multi-color Selections.
- Supports 3 layouts: Wheel, Slider, Box.
Table Of Contents:
# NPM $ npm install @jaames/iro --save
How to use it:
Import the iro.js as an ES module.
import iro from "@jaames/iro";
Or add the core JavaScript library to the html page:
<!-- From dist folder --> <script src="dist/iro.js"></script> <!-- Or from a CDN --> <script src=""></script>
Create a placeholder element for the color picker.
<div class="wheel" id="colorWheelDemo"></div>
Generate a basic color picker inside the container ‘colorWheelDemo’.
var colorWheel = new iro.ColorPicker("#colorWheelDemo", { // options here });
Customize the layout of the color picker. It currently comes with 3 layouts:
- Wheel
- Slider
- Box
var colorWheel = new iro.ColorPicker("#colorWheelDemo", { layout: [ { component: iro.ui.Wheel, options: { wheelLightness: true, wheelAngle: 0, wheelDirection: "anticlockwise" } }, { component: iro.ui.Box, options: { // see below } }, { component: iro.ui.Slider, options: { sliderType: 'hue' // can also be 'saturation', 'value', 'alpha' or 'kelvin', sliderShape: 'circle', activeIndex: 2 } } ] });
Possible options to customize your color picker.
var colorWheel = new iro.ColorPicker("#colorWheelDemo", { // width of the color picker width: 300, // initial color color: '#fff', // initial colors used for multi-color selections. colors: null, // CSS display value display: 'block', // unique id of the color picker id: null, // custom the layout layout: null, // or 'horizontal' layoutDirection: "vertical", // border width borderWidth: 0, // border color borderColor: '#fff', // space between handles padding: 4, // radius of handles handleRadius: 8, // Custom handle SVG handleSvg: null, // custom handle props handleProps: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // fade to black when the lightness decreases wheelLightness: true, // starting angle wheelAngle: 0, // clockwise/anticlockwise wheelDirection: 'anticlockwise', // slider size sliderSize: undefined, // distance between the wheel and the slider controls sliderMargin: 12 });
Get & set the color in a given format. Supported color formats:
- hexString: “#ff0000”
- hex8String: “#ff0000ff”
- rgb: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
- rgba: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
- rgbString: “rgb(255, 0, 0)”
- rgbaString: “rgb(255, 0, 0, 1)”
- hsl: { h: 360, s: 100, l: 50 }
- hsla: { h: 360, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 }
- hslString: “hsl(360, 100%, 50%)”
- hslaString: “hsla(360, 100%, 50%, 1)”
- hsv: { h: 360, s: 100, v: 100 }
- hsva: { h: 360, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }
- red: 0 to 255
- green: 0 to 255
- blue: 0 to 255
- alpha: 0 to 1
- hue: 0 to 360
- saturation: 0 to 100
- value: 0 to 100
- kelvin: 1000 to 40000
// get var myColor = colorWheel.color.COLORFORMAT; console.log(myColor); // set colorWheel.color.COLORFORMAT = STRING OR OBJECT
colorWheel.on('color:change', function(color, changes){ // when the color has changed, the callback gets passed the color object and an object providing which color channels (out of H, S, V) have changed. }) colorWheel.on('color:init', function(color){ // same as color:change, but only fired once with the initial color value provided to the color picker. }) colorWheel.on('color:remove', function(color){ // when a color is removed from the color picker }) colorWheel.on('input:change', function(color, changes){ // Similar to color:change, except this is only fired whenever the color is changed with direct user input. }) colorWheel.on('input:start', function(color){ // when the user starts interacting with the color picker, the callback gets passed the color object }) colorWheel.on('input:move', function(color){ // when the user moves their pointer/mouse after beginning interaction }) colorWheel.on('input:end', function(color){ // when the user has finished interacting with the color picker, the callback gets passed the color object }) colorWheel.on('mount', function(color){ // fired once the color picker UI has been mounted into the DOM })
// adds color colorWheel.addColor(IroColorValue, colorIndex(optional)); // removes color colorWheel.removeColor(colorIndex); // sets active color colorWheel.setActiveColor(colorIndex); // sets color colorWheel.setColors([]); // resizes the color picker to a new size colorWheel.resize(width); // resets the color picker colorWheel.reset(); // updates the color picker colorWheel.forceUpdat();
Color methods.
// sets color myColor.set(color); // sets color chanel // myColor.setChannel(format, channel, value); myColor.setChannel('rgb', 'r', 255); // clones color myColor.clone(color); // resets color myColor.reset(); // converts HSV to RGB myColor.hsvToRgb(HSV); // converts RGB to HSV myColor.rgbToHsv(RGB); // converts HSV to HSL myColor.hsvToHsl(HSV); // converts HSL to HSV myColor.hslToHsv(HSL); // converts kelvin temperature to RGB myColor.kelvinToRgb(kelvin temperature); // converts RGB to kelvin temperature myColor.kelvinToRgb(RGB);
v5.3.1 (11/26/2020)
- NPM package for 5.3.0 missing iro-core 1.0.5 updates
v5.3.0 (09/08/2020)
- Added optional boxHeight option for setting the height of the box component
- Added id option for all components, which will get passed to the input:start, input:move and input:end event callbacks as a second param
- Various fixes
v5.2.3 (09/08/2020)
- Bumps iro-core version to fix server-side environment issues
v5.2.2 (08/27/2020)
- fix dist/ColorPicker.d.ts filename
v5.2.1 (08/26/2020)
- fix touch events on touchscreen PC/laptop
v5.2.0 (08/16/2020)
- Add slider types for red, green and blue color channels
v5.1.10 (08/15/2020)
- Fixes issue with kelvin -> RGB conversion that resulted in the red channel overflowing the 0-255 range in certain cases.
v5.1.9 (08/01/2020)
- Adds activeIndex option for Slider and Box components, for manually specifying which color to use in multi-color setups
v5.1.8 (04/30/2020)
- Fixes Typescript issues
- Re-adds iro.version since it was accidentally omitted in 5.1.7
v5.1.6 (04/18/2020)
- Fixes package.json to include Typescript typedef files
v5.1.5 (03/02/2020)
- Added margin color picker option for setting the gap between individual components.
- sliderMargin will also work for now, but will be deprecated in a later version.
v5.1.4 (03/01/2020)
- internal tweaks to prevent all events from causing infinite loops
v5.1.3 (02/29/2020)
- Added transparency option, made it easier to style handles individually
v5.1.2 (02/27/2020)
- Rewritten in typescript.
- Options, events, methods updated.
- Doc updated.
- Demo updated
v4.5.3 (10/22/2019)
- fix SVG gradient rendering for iOS WebViews
v4.5.2 (10/19/2019)
- Fix SVG gradient rendering when used in an Ionic Webview
v4.5.1 (06/09/2019)
- Hotfix: fixes rendering bug caused when the color was updated before the picker was mounted into the DOM
v4.5.0 (05/27/2019)
- Added a new param for iro.ColorPicker: id – HTML ID for the color picker root element, also available as a prop on the color picker instance
- Color picker event callbacks this context is now set to the active color picker instance
v4.3.4 (05/10/2019)
- Added wheelAngle – starting angle for the color wheel’s hue gradient
- Added wheelAnglewheelDirection – direction of the color wheel’s hue gradient (clockwise/anticlockwise)
v4.3.3 (04/14/2019)
- Fixes an issue where the alpha component wasn’t being parsed correctly from rgba and hsla strings.
v4.3.2 (04/12/2019)
- hotfix: input:change wasn’t firing
v4.3.1 (04/09/2019)
- Fixes a few issues related to how color alpha/transparency was handled internally, which was causing problems with iro-transparency-plugin. Setting a color to a value without an alpha component (e.g hexString = “#fff”) will now set the alpha value to 1, and the alpha component will no longer be undefined when using new iro.Color.
v4.3.0 (04/08/2019)
- Added input:change – The same as color:change, but only fires when the color has been set with user input
- Added color:init – Same as color:change, but fired once with the initial color value
- on and off methods can now take arrays of eventTypes as well as strings
- New deferredEmit method (should only be used by plugins)
- The color:change event no longer fires with the initial color value, as this was catching a few people out. make sure to listen for both color:init and color:change events with the same listener
v4.2.2 (03/27/2019)
- Makes sure that input:start fires before color:update and that input:end fires after color:update.
v4.2.1 (03/19/2019)
- Fixes color picker DOM event handling in IE11
v4.2.0 (03/12/2019)
- Internal plugin API changes to allow for plugins to customise the slider type
- Adds support for hue and saturation sliders
v4.0.3 (03/07/2019)
- add slider getValueFromPoint to make plugin dev a bit easier
v4.0.2 (03/02/2019)
- fire color:change if registered before color picker was mounted
v4.0.0 (02/23/2019)
- Custom SVG handles
- Custom layout config options
- Updated Plugin API
- Code tests
- Rewritten codebase, is now much cleaner
- Color picker components are now built using preact
- Rewritten documentaion and readme, which huge focus on making things easier to follow
- v3.5.6: hotfix for svg url generation in older iOS webviews
- v3.5.5: hotfix for hsl string parsing bug
- v3.5.4: hotfix for black output on mobile and desktop Safari
- v3.5.3: Fixed small issue with parent container size
- v3.5.2: Improve workaround for broken gradient URLs in Safari
- v3.5.0: Rewritten API classes using the es6 syntax
- v3.4.3: fix touch scrolling intervention in chrome
- v3.4.2: Fixes a warning caused by some recent Chrome changes
- v3.4.1: Fixed rounding issues when converting between color models, particularly when converting certain colors from RGB hex -> HSL -> RGB hex